Friday, January 29, 2010

Newspapers matter not to me, no

Things i like:
the endless search for truth
science and logic, the scientific method
the clash

Things I dislike
the right wing
misuse/overuse/abuse of the word "literally"
Kiss 108
fraud science

However today I would like to talk about abortion. With the God Squad and Tebow airing some commercial about how there was a problem with the pregnancy and the doctors advised Tebows mom to abort, but she instead talked to Dr. God M.D. and he insisted that she keep the baby and now Tiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmaaaaaaayyy!!! is going to the NFL apparently that means that they know (and the religious right and its paid off congress) everything that everyone else should do with thier own lives.
Why does the right need to control every aspect of peoples sex lives? its a weird perversion/obsession.
Birth control? against the bible, NO SEX!!! psssst...people are going to have sex. if the devil gits in ye' and the sex occurs...NO ABORTION!!! pssssst.....people are going to have abortions.
If you think it is against God's will to have an abortion, then by all means DONT FUCKING HAVE ONE! why do you insist on telling other people what they can and can't do?

and its not just a bunch of welfare crack babies as the right so quickly loves to point out. Daughters of rich white southern right wing nuts are forced to go to "doctors" usually friends of the family that carry out unsafe abortions for the sake of keeping a pregnancy out of wedlock for coming to light
How do they do it walsh? well...
Try to break the amniotic sac inside the womb with a sharp stick or wire (for example a clothes hanger). This method can result in infection, and injury to internal organs (for example perforating the intestines), resulting in death.

Or you can pump toxic mixtures, such as chili peppers and chemicals like alum, or plant poison into the body of the woman (up the vagina for those of you who think i am skirting the language). This method can cause the woman to go in to toxic shock and die.

If all of that fails head to Mexico for some illegal pharmies...
Induce an abortion without medical supervision by self-administering abortifacient drugs obtained illegally, either by importion or by using drugs not indicated for abortion but known to result in miscarraige and/or uterine contraction. Pleasant imagery.

What happened when abortion was a crime (1800's to 1973):
"Women often tried to induce abortion or cause a miscarriage by throwing themselves down stairs or inflicting violence on themselves. They ingested, douched with or inserted into themselves a chilling variety of chemicals and toxins--from bleach to potassium permanganate to turpentine to gunpowder and whiskey. Knitting needles, crochet hooks, scissors and coat hangers were all among the tools used by women who had no choice but to resort to these means."

People are going to have abortions REGARDLESS. do you hear that religious fanatics???? REGARDLESS!
all I am saying is that there should be an environment where a safe medical procedure can be performed, free of picket signs...

Doesnt the Bible say: "Judge not, lest ye be judged"
I think its somewhere near the back...

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